Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Ahsoka Show: Seven Things I Wanna See

  So I heard that the upcoming Ahsoka show for Star Wars finally started filming the other day. Therefore, I thought it’d be fun to make a predictions list for this show, like I did for Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, for this project, I wasn’t able to come up with a bingo card’s worth of predictions (twenty-four) like I did for that one. I only came up with seven this time around, but figured I could just go into more depth with these, and treat this all more as a “wish list,” of sorts.

With that all out of the way, let’s just dive right into it:

Ghost Anakin

Figured I should put this one first, since its the obvious one. In fact, Hayden Christensen is already confirmed to be in this series, but I don’t think its been specified yet whether or not he’ll be there as a ghost or just in a flashback. Personally, I think it’s the former, and I hope I’m right. Having present-day Ahsoka interact with her fallen-but-redeemed mentor would provide some great closure for her character.

Ezra and Thrawn

So the Rebels cartoon show ended with Ahsoka and Sabine vowing to go search the galaxy for Ezra, who disappeared with Thrawn. When Ahsoka made her live-action debut in The Mandalorian, she straight-up asked someone for Thrawn’s location, so I think it’s pretty safe to say that her own show will involve her hunting down the blue man himself, which means Ezra is probably not too far behind. The fact that a live-action Sabine is already confirmed for the series too further adds fuel to this fire.

Hera’s son

The finale of Rebels also introduced us to another new character, Jacen Syndulla, son of late Jedi Caleb “Kanan Jarrus” Dume and rebel general Hera Syndulla. I find it odd that this character is clearly force-sensitive, yet we hear nothing about him in the sequels. Given how close Sabine is to Hera, I think it would make sense to at least scratch the surface on young Syndulla’s situation at the time of this show. Also, for those who don’t know, his strangely-spelled name is a reference to Han and Leia’s other evil son from the original trilogy continuation you didn’t see

Clone Wars characters (mainly Barris, Lux and Rex)

In addition to Rebels characters, I think/ hope to see characters from the cartoon series that introduced us to Ahsoka Tano in the first place; The Clone Wars. If I could only pick one person from this roster, it would definitely be Barriss Offee, who originally appeared as a background character in the prequel trilogy, to be fair, but she wasn’t fleshed out at all until Clone Wars. In short; she killed innocent people and framed Ahsoka for it, who then left the order as a result. Barriss was eventually caught and arrested for her crimes, but we never found out what happened to her after that. Was she killed during Order 66 like everyone else? Who knows! If I had to guess, though; she’s probably still alive. In fact, I would go as far as to say she was the one who saved little “Baby Yoda” himself from the aforementioned Order 66. If you look really closely during his flashback of that event, you can see Barriss’s family crest on a banner in the background. I think this was the creators clueing us in. Therefore, tying Ms. Offee herself into this new series would knock out two birds with one stone; giving her closure with Ahsoka, and shedding more light into Grogu’s backstory.

Another Clone Wars character I would like to see return is Lux Bonteri, the one-time flame of Ahsoka who dumped her in favor of Steela Gerrera (sister of Rogue One’s Saw), but then she died literally right after, and then Lux is never seen or heard from again. This is definitely an awkward loose end I would like to see wrapped up, though it’s not essential. Lastly, I wouldn’t mind seeing the return of Captain Rex, since he was by far the clone that Ahsoka was closest to (plus, a convenient Return of the Jedi retcon makes it look like he’s still alive).

No World Between Worlds

Please Lucasfilm, for the love of all that is holy, don’t touch this time travel nonsense ever again…

No more “Gray Jedi” edgelord crap

Unlike most other fans, I actually like Ahsoka less when she becomes more and more disillusioned from the Jedi. I understand it was needed to justify her reasons for leaving, but I feel Rebels and the final season of The Clone Wars both take it too far. It feels insincere when she says “I’m no Jedi” to Vader in Rebels, and then proceeds to draw a pair of lightsabers and duel him. Yes, I am aware of the “Gray Jedi” concept, but for one reason or another, it just doesn’t feel earned. She’s referred to by others as a normal Jedi in The Mandalorian and doesn’t seem to mind (probably cause that show takes place after the original trilogy, so her absence from big events no longer needs to be explained). That said, in The Book of Boba Fett she sees Luke Skywalker building a Jedi school, and yet seems to display no interest whatsoever in helping him out with that. Would be nice if her own show finally does away with this “edgelord” side of her. In fact, it’d be cool to see her fully re-embrace her Jedi roots, as a closing point for her character. Speaking of which…

Ahsoka, Barriss and Rex all dying

Yes, I want all three of these characters to die. The fact that Ahsoka and (likely) Barriss are both still alive during the original trilogy already undermines Luke’s importance enough, so to have both of them still be alive during the sequel trilogy too would equally undermine Rey’s importance (I understand that’s what a lot of people want, but that’s neither here nor there). So if there’s an opportunity to kill both of them off, this is the show to do it. I understand leaving Ezra alive, for now, as taking all this time to find him only to then kill him right away would feel cheap. I further understand leaving both Jacen and Grogu alive, since they’re both still kids at this point. But Ahsoka and (maybe) Barriss? Yeah, time for them to go. I also hope we see Rex bite the dust cause clones have accelerated aging as is, so the fact that he supposedly managed to live this long is already a bit of a stretch.

And there you have it! Like always, I’ll try to be as open-minded as possible once the show actually makes its way to the surface. That said, I’m hoping deep down that at least some of these wishes come to fruition. One way or another, I think this show has the potential to do some interesting things…


2023 UPDATE: Even though not all of these predictions came true, I still ended up liking the show, for the most part.

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