Henry N. Silva
I sat at the restaurant in the airport, and not too long after, the stranger who contacted me had arrived, taking his seat across from mine…
STRANGER: Nice to finally meet you in person. Always been a big fan of your podcast.
ME: Thanks… Hey, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but is this actually gonna be worth it? I didn’t really have anywhere I needed to fly to, and this restaurant is after the security checkpoint, so I had to book a flight for no reason.
STRANGER: Yeah, sorry about that. I needed this conversation to happen somewhere unexpected. Your phone’s off, right?
ME: Yeah, phone’s off. So what’s this all about, then?
STRANGER: Well, I’ve been following your show for a long time, and all your UFO conspiracy talk, and I thought you deserved to know what I know.
ME: You… know stuff? Like what?
STRANGER: Well, I’ll start with this. Most accounts you hear about are BS. Even the ones accompanied by pics and videos are usually fake… But every now and then, a real one gets out there. Remember the one with the alien being interviewed?
ME: Yeah… That’s… That’s real?
STRANGER: It’s real.
ME: So that’s what they look like? Naked people with big heads and big eyes and human-like skin?
STRANGER: Yup. That’s why the one spotted in Brazil that one time was described the same way. Human-looking skin and all. That’s one of the other few cases that’s actually real.
ME: So why do they all look like that then?
STRANGER: So this is where it gets complicated… The aliens are not actually aliens.
ME: They’re inter-dimensional?
STRANGER: No, that’s not it either… Let me ask you something. If you had a Time Machine, where would you go?
ME: The future.
STRANGER: But the past too, right?
ME: Sure.
STRANGER: Would you go as far back as before humans existed? To observe pre-human species?
ME: Yeah, I’d probably wanna do that too, just for curiosity’s sake, and… Oh.
STRANGER: Yup… That’s what they are. That’s why they’re here. That’s why they don’t ever expose themselves publicly. Or try not to, at least. They’re just coming to visit and watch us like we’re zoo animals. They’re just interested in taking a quick look at their great great great great great grandparents… Add a few more greats… A few dozen more, actually…
ME: Umm… That explains the human skin, I guess… But why the big eyes and big bald heads? Why are they naked?!
STRANGER: Big head because they’re smart. Big eyes for wider vision range. It’s a genetic engineering thing. That’s why they’re naked too. They’re genetically-engineered to be able to heat their bodies from the inside out at will. The skin is genetically engineered to be more protective too. They don’t need clothes. And that’s why they don’t have muscles either. Why would you need to work out if your skin is already indestructible? Why worry about your health when all you need is chemicals and robotics to stay alive for practically as long as you could ever want?
ME: But why is the one in the interview video so short?
STRANGER: It’s a kid.
ME: Whoa… Does the super skin or whatever have something to do with why they’re hairless?
STRANGER: Now you’re getting it! Yeah, they see hair as just a vulnerability.
ME: Wow… I don’t know what to say… Wait, if they’re so healthy, then why is the one being interviewed sick?
STRANGER: He’s not sick. He’s stressed. Do you think he wanted to get caught by us? Evolved people in the future can have panic attacks too, you know… Oh, speaking of the interview, you notice how he isn’t actually moving his mouth or making any vocalizations, right?
ME: Yeah?
STRANGER: Also genetic engineering. They all have devices in their brain that let them talk without talking, and learn without learning… You don’t believe any of this, do you?
ME: Not at all, no.
STRANGER: Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t… But the next time you hear about some new development in robotics or genetic engineering or quantum physics on the news, just keep this conversation in mind…
ME: Uh…
STRANGER: Have you had a chance to look at the menu yet, by the way? Anything look good?
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